Students with a history of asthma/wheezing often require medical management during the school day. Having an asthma action plan on file in the health room is important for caring for your student. If your student will need an inhaler at school, a current Asthma Action Plan from your health care provider is required.
Students in grades K-4 are not permitted to carry and self-administer inhalers at school. Please contact the health room staff to discuss your student's condition and inhaler use.
Students in grades 5-12 who have been diagnosed with asthma are permitted to carry and self-administer inhalers at school with the following forms on file in the health room:
Asthma Action Plan (must be completed by health care provider). A plan similar to this one, chosen and signed by your healthcare provider is also acceptable.
Health Information Form
Permission to Self-Carry (must be completed by parent/guarding AND health care provider)
Students with diabetes have unique health needs which require careful management. Providing the nurse and health room staff with information about your student's needs is an important part of caring for your child while they are at school. A Diabetes Care Plan will help the health room staff to care for your child. Parents must provide all items necessary to care for the student. Items such as a glucometer, insulin, syringes, needles, alcohol pads, snacks, or glucose tablets for hypoglycemic episodes can be kept in the health room. The health room staff will notify you when supplies need to be replaced.
Please visit with the school nurse at the beginning of the school year or whenever your child's care plan changes. We want to provide the best care for your child.
Diabetes Care Plan
A plan similar to this one, signed by your healthcare provider is acceptable.
Food Allergies
If your child has a food allergy, please notify the nurse with the specific allergy, what the symptoms are if your child would ingest the particular food, and how you treat the symptoms. If your child requires the use of an antihistamine or an Epi-pen, you will need to provide the medication to be kept in the health room. If your child is old enough to self-inject, they may self carry an Epi-pen. You will also need a Food Allergy Action Plan, signed by your health care provider to be kept in the health room. Please talk with the nurse for assistance. A plan similar to this one, chosen and signed by your healthcare provider is also acceptable.
Food Allergy Action Plan
If your student will be self-carrying their Epi-Pen, you must have the following form completed and on file in your student's health room.
Permission to Self-Carry Form (must be completed by parent/guarding AND health care provider)
Seizure Disorder
Effective and safe management of seizure disorders requires careful planning with the parent, student and nurse.
Completing a Seizure Action Plan provides health room staff with information to care for your child in the event of a seizure at school. The information also helps plan for any accommodations which may need to be implemented to ensure a safe environment.
Please visit with the nurse of your child's school to help develop an individual health care plan to help your child fully participate in school.
Seizure Action Plan
Email Nurse Patch for any questions regarding your child's individual health care needs while in school.
[email protected]